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    Ransomware Protection and Defense: A Comprehensive Guide

    Ransomware attacks are among the most disruptive and costly cybersecurity incidents experienced by healthcare organizations and other businesses. Attackers see a tremendous opportunity to extract large sums of money by holding data hostage. And by preying on organizations that have valuable data, mission-critical systems, and insufficient defenses, these attackers too often succeed.

    healthcare ransomware and solutions to protect your business and data
    Identify and Mitigate Ransomware Threats in Healthcare

    If cybercriminals have their way, you won’t know your healthcare organization has been attacked with ransomware until it’s too late. By the time they demand a sizable ransom, your highly sensitive patient data will already be encrypted, locking you out. You’ll need to shut down critical systems, curtail services, and set your emergency plan into motion.

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